Elections for participation bodies: again less to choose from

| Rense Kuipers

Two student parties and one staff party submitted a list of candidates for the University Council elections, which will take place from 10 to 14 June. Students can once again choose between DAS and UReka, while only candidates on behalf of the Campus Coalition are eligible for staff members.

Photo by: Frans Nikkels

The election battle between student representatives is a classic duel. DAS – in full 'The Ambitious Student' – came to the stage in the University Council in 2015. UReka has been active in the central participation since 2001. Both parties have found fifteen candidates for these elections. Of the nine student seats on the council, UReka currently has six and DAS has three – which has been the status quo for three years in a row.

This year, only one employee party is participating in the elections: Campus Coalition. University Council veteran Herbert Wormeester is at the top of the list and found ten others who want to take a seat. In short: one party, eleven candidates and nine seats to be distributed.

Voting is open between 10 and 14 June. Staff and students will receive a link by e-mail.

No elections for service councils

Just like last year, in addition to the elections for central participation, there will also be elections for decentralized participation. Since last year, the UT has been organising this in a single UT-wide election week. Four of the five faculties have faculty council elections, with the exception of the ITC faculty, which holds elections at a different time.

This year, however, there is nothing to choose from at the service councils. U-Today's further inquiries with the electoral committee show that none of the six service councils are holding elections, because there are more seats than eligible candidates. The councils will not be abolished, but will continue in their current compositions or are supplemented by new members.

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