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Veni grants for two UT scientists

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UT scientists Annika Betken and Hans-Christian Ruiz Euler have been awarded a Veni grant by research funding agency NWO. The grant of up to 250 thousand euros will enable them to further develop their own research for three years.

Associate Professor Betken from the EEMCS faculty has been awarded the grant for her research Long correlations or structural changes? In it, she focuses on whether deviations in time series are caused by structural changes or by long correlations over time. Her research provides a mathematical solution.

The research of Ruiz Euler, who works at the Center for Brain-Inspired Nano Systems (BRAINS), is called Efficient AI with material-based neural networks. That technology, he says, could enable the next generation of efficient AI systems for edge computing and autonomous systems, such as autonomous driving and IoT.


Veni is the smallest grant within the NWO talent program (Veni-Vidi-Vici) and is intended for newly promoted researchers. A total of 89 researchers were awarded a grant. How many proposals were submitted is unclear, due to the necessary adjustments in the planning. That overview will follow in 2022.

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