New diversity and inclusion officer: Sterre Mkatini

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The UT has found the diversity and inclusion officer in the person of Sterre Mkatini. It will be her task to improve the university’s policy on these topics. Mkatini will start her task this Friday.

Mkatini sees it as her mission to ensure that the campus is a place where everybody feels welcome and seen. In her words, a quote from Vernā Myers: ‘Diversity is being invited to the party. Inclusion is being asked to dance’. Mkatini thinks the UT has come a long way, but will make it her mission to make the campus a frontrunner in diversity and inclusion, both in The Netherlands as internationally.

Mkatini is both South African and Dutch, and grew up on several continents. She studied at the University College Utrecht, did her master International Development at the University of Amsterdam and has worked in several positions mainly in Africa for the past ten years.

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