New sports vision: listening to the UT community

| Rik Visschedijk

The campus should have a new vision for sports, says Student Union board member Sietse van Mossel. The current vision is five years old and the demand has changed, he says. 'We are going to ask students and employees about their needs.'

Photo by: Frans Nikkels

The Student Union, the Sportkoepel and the Sports Centre organize two open sessions where the UT community can contribute to the new sports vision. 'A necessary step,’ says Van Mossel. 'There have been new sport trends in recent years. For example, healthy employees and students, individual sports or the combination with technology. But we could be completely wrong. If that is the case, then we simply continue with the current vision.’

Open conversation

The intention is to have an open conversation with the UT community, according to Van Mossel. ‘Of course we have some ideas. In the past six months, a working group developed a first draft. That is based on three pillars: recreational sport, sociability and fit employees and students. That can be the starting point. But for now we want to listen. The commentary on the current sports vision is that it is conceived and written in an office. We want to prevent that sentiment this time.’

The focus in these sessions is to involve the UT community. The wishes of the sports clubs themselves are discussed in other meetings. But what if the UT community has unfeasible wishes? 'We do not think about that yet,’ says Van Mossel. 'Only in the second instance we will look at how we translate these wishes into policy and money.'

The sessions are on Wednesday 27 February and 6 March from 16.00 to 18.00 at the Sports Centre. You can sign up here. From the 25 February to 16 March, you can also fill in a digital questionnaire.

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