‘More attention for Dutch in UT programs’

| Rik Visschedijk

The new code of conduct for languages will give Dutch a stronger place in the UT programs, so expects Katja Hunfeld, head of the UT Language Center. ‘That is why we are expanding our offerings.’

Hunfeld knows that the deans received a letter from the Executive Board, stating that they have to act on the new code of conduct. ‘The programs must do something about the Dutch language level of the students, for both Dutch and international students,’ says Hunfeld. ‘That brings an obligation: they will record in writing how they do that. So that is pretty concrete. I can imagine that Dutch will be given a place in the skills section of study programs. Students can follow these workshops with us. I therefore expect more students at Dutch courses. That fits in with the policy to retain international talent for the region.’

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