Simultaneous PhD defences: how special is that?

| Johannes de Vries

Well, kind of special. At least, when you realise that they are three Chinese, coming from one department and that it happens within that department for the second time. Reason to have a Chinese celebration in the DMMP-department of Marc Uetz.

Photo by: Arjan Reef

Three PhDs from one department who defend their dissertations at the same time is already special in itself. That it concerns three Chinese is extra remarkable. But - and this is what makes the DMMP chair of Marc Uetz really exceptional – yesterday it happened for the second time.

Herewith, Uetz believes the DMMP – department proves her ‘special tradition with China’ for the second time around. For the occasion, the chair organised a multiple-day event for which tens of Chinese have travelled to Enschede. They were offered workshops and they attended the defence ceremony yesterday. Amongst te Chinese visitores are two ex-UT students; both are giving a workshop.


There is yet another bizarre twist to the story of the joint promotions of the three Chinese DMMP’s eleven years ago. The day before they had to defend their dissertations, there was a big fire in the TW/RC building (currently Cubicus). ‘The PhD candidates could not get access to their things, that were somewhere in the building which was closed by the fire department,’ Uetz says. ‘That caused quite some complications.’

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