The International

‘I consider myself a Dutch citizen’

In the series The International, UT students from all over the world talk about their lives, studies, choices and passions. In this episode: Georgios Lappas (26), Master's student of Biomedical Engineering. ‘People here are kind. From the first moment they try to integrate you.’


Dutch language as a minor programme

Student party UReka proposes to create a new minor programme focused on learning Dutch. ‘This would make it easier for international students to learn the language,’ says Hamza Riaz on behalf of UReka.


Foreign students are an asset to the Netherlands

Foreign students generate substantial revenues for the Dutch treasury, especially university students from outside Europe. However, the scale of this influx may pose a risk to the quality of education.

Wednesday Women’s Circles

‘Everyone is welcome without judgment’

While the number of international students at the UT struggling with social and mental issues has grown, weekly women’s circles organized by the Collective Unconscious offer a safe space for sharing and learning. The founder of Wednesday Women’s Circle Julia Piedmont and two students participating in the meetings discuss the events’ benefits.


Internationalisation: Diversity is growth

Internationalization is one of the focus points of the Vision 2020 of the University. As a result, we have seen a strong increment of international staff and students. This change poses some challenges but also brings opportunities. A lot of things have been said regarding the challenges a more diverse campus brings us. We feel the community could focus on ways to smoothen out the bumps in the road, and should embrace diversity on campus.


UniTe wants the international voice to be heard

With the ongoing internationalization of the university it is logical for UniTe, the umbrella organization of international associations, to take a more advisory role towards the UT. 'We want the voice of the international student to be heard,’ says Nynke Tilkema, chairman and ATLAS student.

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Campus Life

Hogekamp: 'slightly expensive, but very relaxed'

The Hogekamp studios continue to be a hot topic on campus: the subject of parliamentary questions, ringing announcements on Facebook and critical newspaper columns. Particularly the costs encounter resistance. In the meantime, the first generation of residents has arrived at the former faculty building. Here are their experiences.

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Campus Life

De Hogekamp: ‘beetje duur, maar wel chill’

Kamervragen, ronkende Facebookberichten en kritische krantenkolommen: de Hogekampstudio’s houden de campusgemoederen bezig. Vooral de kosten stuiten op verzet. Intussen is de eerste lichting bewoners neergestreken in het voormalig faculteitsgebouw. Wat zijn hun ervaringen?


First collaboration with University of Belgrade

The University of Twente has started its first collaboration with institutes in Serbia and Armenia. Currently focused on the University of Belgrade, the cooperation aims to increase knowledge and student exchange between the Netherlands and the Balkan countries.

Campus Life

Culture Festival: Samples of each corner of the world

UT students and staff came together last weekend to share their most unique and colorful traditions at Culture Festival. The event at the UT campus enjoyed the support of many associations and volunteers.

Campus Life
Student Internationalization Platform

Tackling the challenges of internationalization

The Student Internationalization Platform (SIP) continues to hold lunch meetings with international students to speak about the struggles they encounter when trying to integrate to life at the University. With the joint goal of providing practical solutions that can facilitate the internationalization process, the organizers were joined by a dozen of students during yesterday’s meeting.


Quota buitenlandse studenten: in Oostenrijk en Wallonië kan het

Nederlandse universiteitsbestuurders die meer grip willen op het aantal buitenlandse studenten, kunnen een voorbeeld nemen aan Franstalig België en Oostenrijk. Daar hanteren ze wél quota, met goedkeuring van de EU. Hoe zit dat precies?

All around the world

Christmas in Germany: 'Big dinner on the 25th'

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas. Yet, each corner of the world celebrates this holiday a bit differently. In this series we will shed some light on Christmas traditions of UT international students. In this episode we meet with Jana Rother, a student from Frankfurt (Germany), who is in Twente for a minor Communications.

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