PhD stories
PhD Stories: Catalina Jaime Sanchez

‘King Charles was very interested in my work’

Students or researchers? PhD candidates fall into a category of their own. In this series, we put young academics of the University of Twente in the spotlight. This episode gives the stage to Catalina Jaime Sanchez, who balances being Head of Climate and Conflict at Red Cross, a dedicated humanitarian, mother of two and PhD researcher at ITC faculty.

PhD stories
PhD Stories: Alejandro Moya Esteban

‘Doing a PhD made me realize that academia is not a good fit for me’

Students or researchers? PhD candidates fall into a category of their own. In this series, we put doctoral researchers of the University of Twente in the spotlight. This episode gives the stage to Alejandro Moya Esteban from the Neuromechanical Modeling & Engineering Lab.


Discussion about work pressure among PhDs

Doctoral candidates face unique challenges and stressors compared to other UT employees. Studium Generale, in collaboration with U-Today and P-NUT, is therefore organizing a discussion about work pressure among PhDs. The event will take place on 13 April in Vrijhof.

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Dijkgraaf onderschrijft noodzaak heldere promotieregels

De regels van promotietrajecten zijn niet altijd duidelijk, met soms pijnlijke gevolgen, concludeerde Promovendi Netwerk Nederland (PNN) vorig jaar. Onderwijsminister Dijkgraaf spoort de universiteiten aan om samen meer duidelijkheid te verschaffen.

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Dijkgraaf emphasises need for clear rules for PhDs

Last year, the PhD Network Netherlands (PNN) concluded that the rules for PhDs are not always clear, and that this sometimes has painful consequences. Education Minister Robbert Dijkgraaf is encouraging the universities to take joint action to provide greater clarity.

PhD stories

‘It’s so much easier to go to work if you love your research project’

Students or researchers? PhD candidates fall into a category of their own. In this series, we put doctoral researchers of the University of Twente in the spotlight. This episode gives the stage to Jeanne Parmentier from the Pervasive Systems group at the UT and the Utrecht University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.


P-NUT Day about research in times in crisis

The annual P-NUT PhD & EngD Day will be held on 24th February in DesignLab. Carrying the theme ‘Research & Sustainability in times of crisis’, the event for doctoral candidates includes hands-on activities, such as a workshop on how to deal with stress.

PhD stories

‘I love the freedom to shape my process’

Students or researchers? PhD candidates fall into a category of their own. In this series, we put doctoral researchers of the University of Twente in the spotlight. This episode gives the stage to Tessa de Koning Gans from the Photo Catalytic Synthesis group.

PhD stories

‘PhD changed me and how I think of the world’

Students or researchers? PhD candidates fall into a category of their own. In this series, we put doctoral researchers of the University of Twente in the spotlight. This episode gives the stage to Ronald Voorn (1958) from the Communication Science department, who is defending his PhD thesis this week.


Paul van Dijk retires: ‘Always care about the person’

Paul van Dijk is leaving the University of Twente after 35 years to start an early retirement. ‘I have felt privileged to work here,’ says the former director of Twente Graduate School (TGS). A farewell reception in his honour is held tomorrow in the Waaier.

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PhD stories

‘I enjoy activism very much. Maybe too much’

Students or researchers? PhD candidates fall into a category of their own. What is it like to navigate the sometimes lonely road towards a doctoral degree? In this series, we put young academics of the University of Twente in the spotlight. This episode gives the stage to Roberto Cruz Martinez, an Information Specialist, a University Council member and PhD candidate at the UT.

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PhD stories

‘Ik reik mensen graag de hand’

Zijn het studenten of onderzoekers? Promovendi vormen zo hun eigen categorie. Hoe is het om de soms eenzame weg naar een doctorsgraad te bewandelen? In deze reeks zetten we de jonge onderzoekers van de Universiteit Twente in de schijnwerpers. Aan het woord is Roberto Cruz Martinez, informatiespecialist, universiteitsraadslid en promovendus aan de UT.


Creating awareness around sinkholes

‘Sinkholes can often be caused by damaged sewer pipes. I wanted to show that it is a real problem with a big impact on people’s lives,’ says PhD researcher Hengameh Noshahri. In her study published last week, she explored causes and consequences of sinkholes from the perspective of media.

PhD stories

‘Committing four years to one topic seemed like a very long time’

Students or researchers? PhD and EngD candidates fall into a category of their own. What is it like to navigate the sometimes lonely road towards a doctoral degree? In this monthly series, we put young academics of the University of Twente in the limelight. This episode gives the stage to Dieuwertje Alblas from Mathematics of Imaging & AI chair.

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