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Boycot Russische wetenschap, maar geen heksenjacht

Op verzoek van het kabinet bevriezen universiteiten, hogescholen en academische ziekenhuizen hun formele samenwerking met Rusland en Belarus. Tegelijkertijd steunen ze getroffen studenten en medewerkers.

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Boycott on Russian academia, but not a witch hunt

Responding to a request by the Cabinet, higher education institutions and teaching hospitals are suspending all formal cooperation with Russia and Belarus. At the same time, they are offering support to students and staff affected.


Hoger onderwijs steunt Oekraïeners én Russen

Universiteiten en hogescholen schieten hun aangeslagen Oekraïense en Russische studenten en medewerkers te hulp. Overal worden inzamelingsacties gehouden en steunbetuigingen georganiseerd.

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Concerns among Russian UT employees: 'This is Putin's war, not ours'

Russian UT employees are also affected by the Russian invasion in Ukraine. They feel shame, but also worry about family and friends in their homeland. 'I am relieved that my grandfather and grandmother are not going through this anymore.'

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Zorgen bij Russische UT’ers: ‘Dit is Poetins oorlog, niet de onze’

Ook Russische UT-medewerkers zijn aangeslagen door de inval in Oekraïne. Ze voelen schaamte, maar maken zich ook zorgen om familie en vrienden in hun thuisland. ‘Ik ben blij dat mijn opa en oma dit niet meer meemaken.’

UT employees and students organize help for Ukraine

Humanitarian aid to Ukraine on UT campus

Ukrainian students and employees at the University of Twente started a campaign to help people affected by the war in their home country. They organized collection points in Enschede, including one on the UT campus, where people can bring needed items that will be sent to Ukraine.

Ukrainian UT researcher on the war in their home country

‘This is a war for my own identity’

A war is raging in the home country of Ukrainian UT researchers Sergii Pud, Ivan Struzhko and Dmytro Polishchuk. All with family and loved ones back home, they share their thoughts on the Russian invasion of Ukraine. ‘We are bracing ourself and keeping chins up.’


'Ukraine crisis is an existential threat to Europe'

Russian forces have unleashed an attack of Ukraine this morning. According to UT researcher Shawn Donnelly, the end is by no means in sight. ‘Putin will see step by step how far he can go in conquering Ukraine.'

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Ukraine crisis: ‘Under high pressure Europe will work together’

With tens of thousands Russian soldiers on the Ukrainian border, tensions on the world stage continue to rise. According to UT researcher Shawn Donnelly, the threat of military escalation is greater than ever. ‘But I am cautiously optimistic about the EU's response.’

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Oekraïne-crisis: ‘Onder hoge druk is Europa geneigd tot samenwerking’

Met de Russische troepenopbouw en onderhandelingen die nog geen uitkomst bieden, loopt de spanning in Oekraïne steeds verder op. Volgens UT-onderzoeker Shawn Donnelly is de kans op escalatie groter dan ooit. ‘Maar ik ben voorzichtig optimistisch over de reactie van de EU.’