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Aan de borreltafel

‘Papa kijkt hoe groen het gras is’

‘Aan de borreltafel’ is een rubriek over wetenschap. Wetenschapsjournalist Enith Vlooswijk praat met én tekent over UT-onderzoekers, die vertellen over hun vakgebied en de misvattingen die hierover bestaan. In deze zeventiende aflevering: Thomas Groen, universitair hoofddocent Natural Resources.

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Over a pint

‘Daddy looks at how green the grass is’

'Over a Pint' is a series about science. UT researchers talk to science journalist Enith Vlooswijk about their field and the misconceptions that exist about it. Enith turns their input into writing and drawings. In this seventeenth episode: Thomas Groen, associate professor of Natural Resources.

4TU project on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for Embodied AI

‘Diversity is a good scientific practice’

‘Machines that we interact with have power over us,’ says UT researcher Cristina Zaga. ‘Just think of facial recognition systems that have troubles recognizing dark-skinned faces, the inherent bias it has. That is why we need technology that represents the entire population.’ The scientist is leading project DEI4EmbodiedAI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for Embodied Artificial Intelligence), which is officially kicking off today.


Privacy rating shows how websites handle your data

Do you know what a website or an online shop does with your personal data? Do they use it for marketing or even sell it to a third party? In order to inform users about how their data is handled, University of Twente researchers developed ‘Privacy Rating’. The tool gives every online service a label, clearly showing how well they score in terms of privacy.


Better treatment of epilepsy using computer models

Scientists from the University of Twente and UMC Utrecht are developing a mathematical model that can simulate the activity in different parts of the brain of epileptic patients. This helps to identify which brain parts play a role in epileptic attacks and may improve the surgical treatment. The project received a ZonMw Pearl, an honor only awarded to the most outstanding projects.

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Out of Office

Maintenance among the marines

When UT doctoral candidate Luc Keizers is ‘out of office,’ you can find him at the Royal Navy base in Den Helder. His research into ‘predictive maintenance’ involves the ships that are anchored there, as well as the ones out patrolling the seven seas. ‘Walking around the base makes my research feel more real.’

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Out of Office

Onderhoud tussen de oorlogsschepen

Als UT-promovendus Luc Keizers ‘out of office’ is, is hij op de basis van de Koninklijke Marine in Den Helder te vinden. Zijn onderzoek naar ‘voorspelbaar onderhoud’ heeft namelijk te maken met de schepen die daar voor anker liggen – of ergens op de zeven zeeën varen. ‘Op de basis rondlopen maakt mijn onderzoek echter.’


‘Forensic scientists cannot provide ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answers’

Didier Meuwly is no stranger to the world of crime. As the chair of Forensic Biometrics at the University of Twente and principal scientist at The Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI), he describes what forensic science is all about. ‘People often ask us: did the person do it or not? But the answer is never that simple!’

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Aan de borreltafel
Aan de borreltafel met... Nienke Bosschaart

‘Bijna iedereen vindt babietjes leuk’

‘Aan de borreltafel’ is een rubriek over wetenschap. Wetenschapsjournalist Enith Vlooswijk praat met én tekent over UT-onderzoekers, die vertellen over hun vakgebied en de misvattingen die hierover bestaan. In deze zestiende aflevering: Nienke Bosschaart, universitair hoofddocent Biomedical Photonic Imaging.

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Over a pint
Over a pint with... Nienke Bosschaart

‘Almost everyone likes babies’

'Over a Pint' is a series about science. UT researchers talk to science journalist Enith Vlooswijk about their field and the misconceptions that exist about it. Enith turns their input into writing and drawings. In this sixteenth episode: Nienke Bosschaart, associate professor in Biomedical Photonic Imaging.

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Over a pint
Over a pint with... Nienke Bosschaart

‘Almost everyone likes babies’

'Over a Pint' is a series about science. UT researchers talk to science journalist Enith Vlooswijk about their field and the misconceptions that exist about it. Enith turns their input into writing and drawings. In this sixteenth episode: Nienke Bosschaart, associate professor in Biomedical Photonic Imaging.

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Aan de borreltafel
Aan de borreltafel met... Nienke Bosschaart

‘Bijna iedereen vindt babietjes leuk’

‘Aan de borreltafel’ is een rubriek over wetenschap. Wetenschapsjournalist Enith Vlooswijk praat met én tekent over UT-onderzoekers, die vertellen over hun vakgebied en de misvattingen die hierover bestaan. In deze zestiende aflevering: Nienke Bosschaart, universitair hoofddocent Biomedical Photonic Imaging.


‘Energy policy is not gender neutral’

‘Women are a lot more affected by energy poverty than men,’ says UT researcher Mariëlle Feenstra. In her PhD thesis Gender just energy policy – engendering the energy transition in Europe, which she defended on Friday, she looks into differences between women and men in their access to and use of energy services.

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Green mobility

‘It’s down to the battery now’

The electric car is gaining ground. Electric bikes are extremely popular. Even electric buses, trucks and light airplanes are on their way. Still there is one part that doesn’t seem to keep up with all developments. That is the battery. The University of Twente, therefore, started a new research centre that covers the battery life cycle as a whole. From raw materials to smart applications and recycling.

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Groen op weg: ‘Nu alleen de accu nog’

De elektrische auto is terrein aan het winnen, de e-bike is razend populair. Ook elektrische bussen, trucks en zelfs lichte vliegtuigen zijn er al. Toch is er één onderdeel dat het allemaal nog niet goed lijkt te kunnen bijbenen. Dat is de accu. De UT startte daarom een onderzoekscentrum dat de hele keten onderzoekt. Van grondstoffen en nieuwe materialen tot slimmer gebruik en recycling.

Precise manipulation of surgical catheters using magnets

Robot for surgeries inside blood vessels

Christoff Heunis, researcher at the UT Surgical Robotics Laboratory, developed a robotic system that allows the precise manipulation of surgical tools inside blood vessels of a patient using magnets. The magnetic fields interact with the surgical tool, positioning it exactly at the right location. The method saves time, money and is safer for both patient and doctor.


Proeftuin simuleert werklast commandocentrum marineschip

In het BMS Lab van de UT simuleren onderzoekers de werklast die ‘operatoren’ van commandocentrales op een marineschip ervaren. De grote vraag luidt: wanneer raken ze overbelast?

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