COVID-19 research at UT
‘It’s great to see that our results our helping’

Helping hospitals through the pandemic

In the midst of the lockdown, we talk to UT scientists who have paused existing projects to focus on coronavirus related research. Richard Boucherie, Professor of Stochastic Operations Research, leads a team dedicated to solving logistical problems in the healthcare sector caused by the pandemic.

COVID-19 research at UT
Test for measuring immune response of COVID-19 patients

Stopping the storm

In the midst of the lockdown, we talk to UT scientists who have paused existing projects to focus on coronavirus related research. Professor Marcel Karperien’s team is developing a test for measuring immune response of severely ill COVID-19 patients. Their goal: ‘catching’ cytokine storm, which leads to fast deterioration of the patient, before it happens.

COVID-19 research at UT
Optical sensor for detecting COVID-19

‘If we manage, it can really help people’

In the midst of the lockdown, we talk to UT scientists who have paused existing projects to focus on coronavirus related research. Sonia Garcia Blanco and her team are making an optical sensor to detect COVID-19. ‘We all feel the importance of this. Everyone is very motivated.’

COVID-19 research at UT
Test to measure the stage of COVID-19

‘If I couldn’t do it, nobody could’

In the midst of the lockdown, we talk to UT scientists who have paused existing projects to focus on coronavirus related research. Such as Richard Schasfoort. Since March, the UT researcher has spent nearly every day in the MST hospital in Enschede, working with COVID-19 patients. He has developed a test that determines the exact stage of the disease within an hour. ‘I’ve worked day and night to make this test work.’


Covid-19 loslaten op klompjes hart

Werkt dat oude malariamiddel nou tegen Covid-19, of niet? Om het direct uit te proberen op mensen, is behoorlijk riskant. Onderzoeker Andries van der Meer wil, met partners in onder meer Leiden en Nijmegen, micro-organen op chips gebruiken om snel medicijnen te testen en inzicht te vergaren over het virus.


Corona: allerlei petities om hoger onderwijs te sluiten

In Maastricht en Amsterdam gaan petities van studenten rond om de universiteit voorlopig te sluiten in verband met het Covid-19-virus. Ze zijn al een paar duizend keer ondertekend. Ook elders duiken petities op.


‘Influenza and Covid-19 are like apples and tomatoes’

The column of our student columnist about the down-to-earth mindset in Twente regarding the coronavirus made Claudio Matera, researcher at BMS, raise his eyebrows. 'I want to point out that this sickness is different and more serious than a flu; it’s a sickness that brings hospitals and their staff to their respective limit.'

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Massaal thuiswerken: technisch gaat het wel lukken

Mochten docenten en onderzoekers massaal gaan thuiswerken vanwege het coronavirus, dan zal dat niet tot grote technische problemen leiden, verwacht SURF, de ict-organisatie voor het onderwijs. Alleen even de capaciteit opschroeven.

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Working from home en masse: technically feasible

If the majority of lecturers and researchers start working from home because of the coronavirus, this will not lead to any major technical problems, says SURF, the ICT organisation for education in the Netherlands. It would simply require a quick increase in capacity.